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Connor's Surgery was successful, July 1st, A special Canada Day


Surgery day is considered day 0 …. His surgery went very well! They came to get us when he started to wake in recovery , it took him a little longer to wake up because they had to give him a little extra medicine to keep him calm , he doesn’t do the best waking up from anesthesia but we knew this already so we were all prepared! He had his ups and downs he was groggy from the medicine for a bit but seemed to brighten up a bit by around 8pm. He was SUPER hungry which we also expected as he hadn’t eaten anything in almost 20 hrs , all he asked for was pancakes and crackers. He had a bit of a rough first night sleeping on and off and needing to be switched positions from back to side ( usually switched every 4 hrs ) and having vitals and temperature checked. His temp went up to about 99.8 around 4am although it’s not considered a fever unless it’s over 100 we gave him some Tylenol to help bring it down. He woke again at 5:15 and then again at 630am.


Today is day 1! Today has been a good day! Connor has been very calm and relaxed today , he ate a little bit of pancakes for breakfast some scrambled eggs with cheese and chicken nuggets for lunch ( their menu is unreal !! ) Hes been busy watching the Santa clause 1 & 3 and playing Nintendo with dad!


Day 2 - Connor had a GREAT night !! He slept right through the night. He woke a little when they came in to take his vitals but went right back to sleep ! He woke up this morning feeling a little more like himself and the chattiest he’s been in days ! His IV in his arm giving him his fluids and meds had to be changed as it had stop functioning properly and was slightly leaking! They used an ultrasound on his arm to find a vein and a new line was in within the hour of being removed !! Connor begins physio tomorrow so PT brought by our rental wheelchair today and he was super excited to see it ! He had a bit of an upset stomach but said it was because he is homesick and misses everyone.


Day 3 - and onwards - Dad went in to physio this morning with Connor and it started off a little rusty with Connor not really listening or doing his best .. He’s tired , and is getting homesick , I get it !! But he had his moment and finished off strong !! His cast comes off this week and he has a follow up with Dr Park on Wednesday. I can’t believe we leave St.Louis in 10 days !!


What a day !!!! Today they wasted no time in therapy and went straight to walking with him. She had him taking little steps to begin with and then tried to move him to a walker, but he had a hard time using the walker , it almost made it harder for him so she got rid of it and just held his hands and he did soooo much better !! She did a little scavenger hunt for him to walk and find the superhero cards and collect them to bring back to where he started. He was soo proud of himself ! We had our follow up with Dr.Park today also and he is very pleased with Connor !! he said his incision is healing very well , he said to sign him up for recreational sports !!! He will do extemely well he said !! He said he will do very well in general !! I don’t care if he plays sports or not , but for Connor to have the choice to be able to play them if he wants makes me cry so many happy tears for him and all the possibilities this has opened for him! Tomorrow is another big day ! Cast comes off !! Connor will receive his new orthotics very soon which means new shoes !


Today was technically his last day of physio originally so it was a lot of measurements being taken and video taping to compare for future reference of when he first arrived , after surgery and again in 6 months when we send in an update video. Since connor missed a schedule day because of his PERCS procedure they scheduled us another day so tomorrow is our LAST session here !! Tomorrow morning we need to go have COVID tests done as we need a negative result within 72 hrs of returning back to Canada And then Thursday morning we are home bound !!!!


That’s a wrap !! Last day of physio and last day in St. Louis !! I can’t believe how fast our time here has gone. Connor rocked today’s session like the champ he is !! He got to ride the bike at the end and he was so excited! He asked if he could ride it home to Canada he practiced shifting weight from side to side and also some leg presses using his right leg only to help strengthen his muscles




Since we have returned to Canada we are having to quarantine at home for 14 days! We are still trying to get in a steady routine with home physio and stretches. Connor also started a 3 week virtual summer program today for school that will offer him some extra help for math and printing so that he is freshly prepared for school in September ! Thankfully he gets 1:1 with the teacher during it because he does not like to listen to me .. we are trying to find the right balance for all of this so that Connor still has fun and enjoys the rest of the summer and doesn’t feel like everything is work
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